British Museum returns Benin artifacts

Photo credit: Art from the Kingdom of Benin, Tumblr.

Some of the artifacts looted from the Benin's in the late 18th century, were on Monday returned by a British Horniman museum in South-Eastern London. The museum returned over 72 items that have been in their possession for more than a century, stolen by the British invaders from the coffers of Benin city, were on Monday returned to the Nigerian government.

The museum spokesperson on the day of the handover said, returning the looted items objects as a "moral and appropriate" response after a request from Nigeria's National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM).

Director General of NCMM also explained that five thousand (5,000) Benin bronzes were currently "scattered" around the world, the Director General added that he's optimistic that dialogue with various institutions may result in deals that could retrieve items in Germany and the United States. 

Recall the 1897 raid of the Benin Empire that saw the dethronement of the monarch, lives were not the only things the British took in 1897, artifacts of prestigious standards were forcefully taken from the great Empire.

Items recovered; bronze artifacts .Photo credit: BBC News.


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